

No matter how inspiring the candidate, how good the idea, or how well-thought out the effort, all campaigns must be well-funded to maximize their success. Successful fundraising is based on relationships and we have the relationships to help you.

Summit typically engages in two types of fundraising relationships.

First, as a General Consultant to a candidate, Summit works with the finance staff of the campaign, helping to steer and advise the campaign’s efforts in order to maximize monies raised.  In this capacity, Summit does not engage in the day to day fundraising operations of the campaign, but oversees and ensures that the benchmarks set forth in the campaign plan are being met.  As a General Consultant, Summit will help identify and recruit members of a finance committee and serve as a liaison between the finance committee and the campaign staff.

Alternatively, Summit may be contracted by the client solely to raise money.  In this capacity, Summit employs its years of expertise in fundraising and works to raise monies through a variety of traditional and innovative methods.  Here, Summit oversees the day to day operations of fundraising.  As a result of years of working with Senior Executives and CEOs of both North Carolina and national companies, dozens of candidates, and other issue-based campaigns, our relationships with donors are unrivaled.

Before fundraising can begin, Summit engages the client and determines the universe of donors that are likely to support and contribute to the client’s effort.  Summit will then present a fundraising plan to the client that sets out a timeline with benchmarks of monies to be raised by specific dates and the means by which these benchmarks are met. Our fundraising plans are customized and specific to the client and, as such, the methods by which we raise money will vary.  Almost always, a top tier finance committee will be established first.  The finance committee serves to broaden the effort to tap as many individuals’ donor networks as possible.  Summit also utilizes its own database to target the most likely donors that will give to the client.

Summit will then engage in both traditional and innovative efforts to raise money for the client.  We will work the phones, put together fundraising events at offices and homes of supporters, and work to leverage electronic communications and new media to maximize monies raised.

Simply put, Summit will work tirelessly to raise the money necessary to finance a successful campaign.